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Ty & Elise
We are honored to be considered as a future family for your dear baby. Thank you for loving and protecting this child throughout your pregnancy. We have a heart for children and have been hoping to start a family for many years. Your child would be a blessing, growing up with our unconditional love and raised with joy, laughter, and fun. May God bless you and your precious child, giving you peace with this decision.
Qualities We Love, Admire & Respect in Each Other

Elise about Ty: Let me tell you a bit about my wonderful husband, Ty. He is a thoughtful man who loves the Lord, is someone I can always count on to be there, and I know he will be a fantastic dad! He has a quick sense of humor and a heart for service. He is a handy-man around our house and patiently tackles problems for friends and family. Need help with a home project? Your car battery has died? Looking for some wise advice? Ty is ready and willing to help! At work, Ty is valued for creative and practical problem solving skills. He is an amazing cook but an even better grill-master! It is a rare weekend when he does not have the BBQ running. He has always loved playing sports (baseball, football, soccer, and more) and cannot wait to play with our children. My husband is a great dancer, a great board-game player, and will someday be a great father!
Ty about Elise: Elise is amazing. Do you know what our friends call her? ‘Mom!’ She is the friendliest, kindest, most caring person I have ever met, and I am so thankful she is my wife. Even after 9 years of marriage, she still finds ways to amaze me. Her love of Jesus knows no bounds, and that love is poured out to everyone she knows. There is nobody more hospitable, and nobody I would trust more to organize and make plans. I have only ever heard praise for Elise the entire time I have known her, whether from friends, co-workers, or family. She is a great dancer, and does so like nobody is watching. There is nothing she has ever set her mind to accomplish that she has not completed, with anything less than spectacular success, which is why I know she will make an amazing mother.
Our Religious Beliefs

We both are Christians, and believe that means loving Jesus and others well. We are both engaged in our local church and volunteer both there and within the community. Every Thursday we lead a Bible study group where married couples and their kids are able to join, eat dinner together, learn about God, and talk and laugh together. Being Christian is a huge part of who we are, and we are excited to teach our children about Jesus and how much He loves them. The Bible talks about how we are adopted by God to be His sons and daughters, and how He has welcomed us into His family. This is such a beautiful parallel for us. We hope to be able to share this with our child. Just as we have loved them and chosen them to be adopted into our family, God has also loved them and chosen them to be adopted into His family.
Our Favorite Vacation Spot

One of our favorite places to vacation is Mount Hermon, a Christian family camp in the redwood forest. It is a place where Elise’s whole extended family on her mom’s side gather for a week of fun, fellowship, and learning every summer. There are great family activities for toddlers all the way up to grandparents, and it is always a wonderful time. Some of the highlights are hiking, playing soccer, a ropes course, riding on a train to the beach, meals together with everyone, and worshiping God under the redwood trees. We truly cannot wait to have our children someday join in the fun, and get to play with all their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and great-grandparents there.

Our House and Neighborhood

We have been preparing for a child, and are excited to open up our home to them. We live in a 4 bedroom, 3 bath house in a family-friendly suburb in Northern California. Our “great room” regularly hosts lots of friends, family, dancing, and games. We have a beautiful backyard where our two retrievers love to romp and play. The nursery is set aside and ready for your child, with a woodsy theme. Since we are close to the mountains, we thought it would be whimsical to grow up surrounded by watercolor foxes, squirrels, and bears dancing across the nursery walls.
Our neighborhood is quiet, yet active, with many families out and about. We are a block away from a large park with playground equipment for all ages and stages, and fields that host community sports throughout the year. We are close to lakes, rivers, and forests where we often enjoy hikes. The local school district is impressive, so your child will get a quality education and make lots of fast friends during their time there. We plan to take them to the local library often, and to many of the community events such as the bike parade, movies in the park, Christmas tree lighting, and more. Our church also has lots of children’s events they can attend, including ‘Trunk or Treat’, Christmas light shows, and summer camps.
Our Extended Families

Family is so important to both of us. For Ty, he is one of six siblings and his mom was one of twelve siblings, so family gatherings were always a time of games, laughter, and love. Ty is the youngest brother in his family, so he already has ten nieces and nephews just waiting to be a friend to your child. Elise is one of three children in her family and was raised by a fun-loving mom and dad. Elise’s mother and her two siblings were all adopted as infants, so adoption has always been a very important and admired aspect of our family. Growing up, her cousins were close as well, with many living less than a 2-minute walk away. Her extended family is now in what could be called the ‘new baby’ stage, with numerous babies that have arrived and will be arriving soon. We cannot wait to add your child into this family, and give them the opportunity to be raised alongside many cousins and develop lasting friendships!

From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to look through our profile and consider us as a potential family for your child. You are so courageous to choose adoption, and we admire you for it. With the history of Elise’s mom being adopted herself, we have always seen adoption as a beautiful way to start a family.
We are already eagerly awaiting the arrival of a child, and cannot wait to be parents of a son or daughter! We are beyond excited to be there for the first smile, first word, and first steps. Some of the activities we cannot wait to share are dance-nights, playing catch in the yard, riding bikes, reading books together, and crafting art projects. It will be a complete joy to explore the world with this child, and encourage him or her in unique pursuits and grand adventures.
To help you get to know the real ‘us,’ here are some of our details. We met each other while line dancing in college and were married in 2013 after graduation. The last nine years of marriage have been a great adventure for us!
Our life is filled with activity, smiles, and laughter. A typical weekend includes hosting BBQs, dancing, board games, and hikes with our dogs. We have two good natured dogs who both love children! We enjoy exploring and traveling, and go on multiple trips a year - whether it is camping, overseas vacations, or visiting our extended families. Our hobbies can be fairly diverse. Ty tackles home projects such as building furniture, working on the landscaping, and remodeling our kitchen. He also loves learning new things and cannot turn down a good trivia game. Elise loves reading, gardening, cooking, coaching dog agility, and she just completed her first (and maybe last) paint-by-numbers ‘masterpiece.’
Ty is working as a Project Manager at a construction company and Elise manages a team in the technology industry. We live in the Northern California area and are actively involved in our church, family, and enjoy a strong community of friends. Spending time with our families is a huge priority. As we have gone on this journey of adoption, we are blessed to have our family supporting us. They cannot wait to welcome this child to the family!
We are looking forward to being parents, but have been diagnosed with infertility. After prayerfully considering our options, we are excited to pursue adoption in order to start our family. Bringing a child into our lives will be an answer to a long desired prayer, and he or she will be cherished and loved unconditionally.
As your child grows up, we think it is important to have you as part of the adventure. We would welcome an open adoption, and are excited to continue communication with you throughout your child’s life. We are happy to send pictures and letters so you can continue to see your child grow, and are hoping to establish a lasting relationship with you.
We truly believe your child is wonderfully made, and that God has knit them together in your womb. We began praying for you as soon as we started to think about adoption, praying for the perfect birth mother and child for us. We pray for you and your child’s health, for you to have peace as you make this decision, and that God will bless you and your beloved child.
With love,
Ty & Elise
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