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Zach & Sarah

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our profile and considering us as potential parents for your child. Your decision to explore adoption speaks volumes about the love and care you have for your child's future. Should you choose us, we promise to provide a safe, nurturing, and supportive home where your child can thrive surrounded by love, laughter, and endless opportunities to grow.

About Us

System Test Engineer
Future Stay-at-Home Mom
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
Some College - Studied Early Childhood Education
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Zach & His Sister Getting Adopted

Zach was adopted by his mom when he was 16 years old. He had lived with his dad and grandparents after his birth mother had left the picture. When his dad got remarried, Zach and his sister asked if she would adopt them so they could have an active mother figure in their lives. She happily agreed and they went to court to make it official. Through adoption, Zach gained a caring mother that treats him as her own and 3 amazing siblings. He's very grateful that she adopted him because she gave him stability and support that his birth mother unfortunately wasn't able to provide at the time.

Sarah also has a cousin that was adopted from Taiwan as a baby. When she was brought home, everyone in the family absolutely adored her and welcomed her with open arms, embracing and loving everything about her. She is now 19 years old and has since traveled back to Taiwan multiple times to learn more about her heritage and where she came from. She is doing amazing in life and is about to attend a culinary school in LA to follow her dreams of becoming a chef.

We believe that adoption is such a blessing and we have been fortunate enough to witness that first hand. If you choose us, we can promise you that your child will be welcomed into a warm and loving family, where they will be warmly embraced and supported by every family member.

What It Means to Become Parents

Family Photo

Being a parent means to happily put your child before yourself and continue to hold and support them through every phase of life. From the calm moments of rocking them to sleep, to temper tantrums and sleepless nights, we truly look forward to every aspect of parenthood. We're excited to watch their eyes light up as they take in the world, sharing laughs at silly jokes, wiping all of their tears, running around in the backyard before sitting down for dinner, reading books in goofy voices just to hear their laugh, giving them a shoulder to lean on, building a pillow fort in the living room for movie nights, and just watching them grow into an amazing toddler, kid, teenager, and adult. We are blessed to live comfortably on one income, so Sarah will be able to put all of her time and energy into raising your baby, which she believes is the most rewarding job in the world. She can't wait to spend this time bonding, helping them grow and learn, making sure their needs are met, doing activities, and taking them to the park and beach. For her previous job as an assistant teacher, she worked with wonderful children ranging from newborn-12 years old. This knowledge and experience will help her create a supportive environment for your child's growth and development. Honestly, words can't describe how excited we are for the easy, the hard, and all of the in between that comes with being parents.

Our Favorite Vacation Spot

With Our Neighbor's Kid in the Bahamas

We are beyond fortunate that Sarah's family owns a small home on a secluded island in the Bahamas. She grew up going here once a year from the time that she was 3 months old, and they would always stop and stay at the Atlantis on the way. We visited both of these locations last year, where Zach was able to see it for the first time, and he immediately fell in love. At the house, you just have to cross the street to get to the beach, where the turquoise water is always clear and calm, making it perfect for little ones. There's only one store in town and you get to be fully immersed in another culture as there are no tourists on the island. Coming here, your child would learn to embrace different cultures and beliefs, giving them a deeper understanding and respect for people from all walks of life. We spend our days here playing board games, walking to the beach to go swimming, driving to snorkeling spots, riding bikes around the island, and spending quality time with family. The Atlantis on the other hand, is filled with fun waterslides, lazy rivers, large aquariums, clubs for kids, a variety of pools for children of all ages, and so much more. We dream about taking our child to both of these locations and getting to watch their eyes light up as we give them experiences and memories that will last a lifetime.


Wedding Guests
Wedding Guests
Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking
Monkeying Around on a Walk
Monkeying Around on a Walk
Visiting Vail, Colorado
Visiting Vail, Colorado
Going Surfing
Going Surfing
Cruising Around in the Rain
Cruising Around in the Rain
Seashell Hunting
Seashell Hunting
Loving Baby Time With Family
Loving Baby Time With Family
Photos at the Beach
Photos at the Beach
Exploring New Walking Trails Nearby
Exploring New Walking Trails Nearby
Dirt Biking at Sarah's Dad's House
Dirt Biking at Sarah's Dad's House
Traveling to New Places
Traveling to New Places
1 / 12
Wedding Guests
Wedding Guests
2 / 12
Mountain Biking
Mountain Biking
3 / 12
Monkeying Around on a Walk
Monkeying Around on a Walk
4 / 12
Visiting Vail, Colorado
Visiting Vail, Colorado
5 / 12
Going Surfing
Going Surfing
6 / 12
Cruising Around in the Rain
Cruising Around in the Rain
7 / 12
Seashell Hunting
Seashell Hunting
8 / 12
Loving Baby Time With Family
Loving Baby Time With Family
9 / 12
Photos at the Beach
Photos at the Beach
10 / 12
Exploring New Walking Trails Nearby
Exploring New Walking Trails Nearby
11 / 12
Dirt Biking at Sarah's Dad's House
Dirt Biking at Sarah's Dad's House
12 / 12
Traveling to New Places
Traveling to New Places

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We own a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home with plenty of room for a child to grow. It's in a safe and quiet neighborhood, only 30 minutes from beautiful beaches. The streets are often filled with kids biking, families walking their dogs, and parents pushing strollers. We love taking our dog for walks through the neighborhood, playing pickle ball with the neighborhood kids in front of the house, and biking to the nearest park. We also have great schools in the area. Our elementary school is located right outside of our neighborhood and has a 5 star rating, ensuring a strong foundation for education.

Florida's warm weather makes it easy for children to play, explore, and enjoy nature year-round. We look forward to taking our kid biking in the park, out fishing on our boat, and to the beach to build sandcastles and splash around in the water. We live in an area that blends outdoor adventure, great educational opportunities, and a strong family-centered community. We have 5 amazing parks within 5 miles of our home, a zoo that offers zip lining and kayaking, annual fairs, amazing beaches, community picnics, and Disney World is only an hour away, making it a great place to raise a child!

Our Extended Families

Zach's Family

Our family is a source of love and support for us, and will play a significant role in the life of our future child. We come from two large and close knit families, totaling 16 aunts and uncles, 23 first cousins, and 5 siblings. Despite our family's size, we'll be welcoming the first grandchild on both sides and they couldn't be more thrilled. Your child will be embraced by a family that is ready to love them unconditionally, surrounded by great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles eager to shower them with affection and help them navigate the world as they grow.

Sarah's Family

Our families live up north but our home is always filled with guests, as they visit often. Whether we're cooking meals together, going to the beach, or simply spending time in each other's company, having family around always fills our home with so much warmth and laughter. We also make time to go visit them, along with trips to our family's vacation homes. Zach grew up near a lake in the mountains and we stay at his grandparents' house on the water. We all go wakeboarding and fishing here in the summer and ski in the winter. Sarah grew up in the country. Her dad built a dirt bike track where he loves teaching kids to ride, just as he did with her and dreams of doing with his grandchild. We also love going to their house on the bay where we enjoy jet-skiing and amusement rides on the boardwalk.

From Us to You

We started dating in college when we were 19 and 20 and have been together for 4 years, and married for 1.5 years. We were best friends prior to dating and that has always remained at the core of our relationship and marriage. We grew up in Pennsylvania and Maryland but we moved to Florida after graduation because of our love for the ocean and the ability to do outdoor activities year-round. The town that we live in feels like it's straight out of a movie, with a quiet neighborhood full of families with young children, a small old town filled with shops and cafés perfect for morning stroller walks with the baby, a quiet beach with a park right beside it, and a state park nestled into a cove where the water is always as smooth as glass.

Your child will wake up every morning seeing the happiest smiles on our faces. They'll get the biggest hug as Zach heads off to work, and will get to spend the rest of the day bonding, exploring, having fun, and learning with Sarah. During the day we can draw and play games together in the living room, go splash around in the calm water at the state park, meet Zach for a picnic lunch under a shaded tree at the park, go to nature preserves or the zoo to learn about animals and plants, stop at the little shops while walking through town, or play in the backyard under the shade of our mango tree. Zach will be so excited to get home to spend the rest of the day enjoying family time together before rocking your child to sleep at bedtime.

During the weekend, we will get to enjoy spending the days together as a family. We will go to the beach to build sand castles with your child, each hold one of their hands while they run away from the small waves, and stop to get ice cream on the way home. We'll spend rainy days building a pillow fort in our living room and watching Disney movies inside of it, and make memories for your child that'll last a lifetime.

For Christmas, we'll travel up north so your child can spend the holiday surrounded by family. They'll get to run out of the room on Christmas morning to see the tree overflowing with presents and watch the snow fall as they open them all. We'll go sledding down the hill in the backyard, teach them how to ski once they're old enough, and enjoy some hot coco by the fire place to unwind after the busy day.

Our families could not be more excited and they are already talking about setting up a room in their homes for when their first grand baby comes to visit. We can promise you that there will never be a moment in your child's life where they aren't surrounded by constant love with an amazing support system behind them every step of the way.

We understand that this is significant decision, and we can't imagine the strong emotions you must be feeling. You are so strong and brave to be making such a selfless sacrifice for your child. Your baby would be so lucky and blessed to get their courage from you, and I'm sure they'll love learning about how amazing you are from the stories we'll be sure to tell them. We will send you pictures and letters every year about just how amazing they're doing, and we would also love to keep in touch through email or text if you would feel comfortable with that. We believe that openness, honesty, and mutual respect are essential foundations for building a strong and trusting relationship, both now and in the years to come. We have nothing but admiration for you and please know that we are here to listen, learn, and support you in any way we can. If you have any questions please reach out to us, we can't wait to get to know you!

Zach & Sarah


Pedro Pascal
Childhood Memory
Christmas morning
Family vacations
Children's Book
Where The Wild Things Are
All The Places You'll Go
Day of Week
Disney Movie
Lilo and Stitch
Dream Job
Business owner
A mom
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Beach trips
Form of Exercise
Weight lifting
Holiday Tradition
Matching PJ's
Opening one gift on Christmas Eve
Leisure Activity
Sitting on the beach
Watching movies
Memory with Spouse
Traveling together
Our wedding
Star Wars
Surf's Up
Personal Hero
My Dad
My parents
Quality about my Spouse
Sport to Play
Dirt bike
Sport to Watch
College Football
Ice hockey
Subject in School
Time of Day
Vacation Spot
The Bahamas
The Bahamas

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